Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Movie Poster

Today I had to make a project of photoshopping my face and a friends onto movie posters. It was extremely frustrating trying to get the skin tones right and smoothing the edges so the picture of our face s will blend in with the background of the poster and trying to make our face proportionate to the the body of the guy we replaced. Here is the fruits of my labor(screen punching urge growing at exponential rate need to calm down):
Heres me:

And Heres my friend Evan:

Monday, February 17, 2014

More Photoshop Stuff

Did more Photoshop stuff last week on Friday. Today I'm converting the work I like best of my work into PDFs:
Photoshop Exercises:
Exercise 32:I learned how to use the various brushes in Photoshop. There are a lot of brushes available to use in the toolbar but the more complicated of them have confusing and often frustrating instruction on how to use them.

Exercise 46:I learned who to adjust the color of whatever i was working on at the time which happens to be a nature picture one of the easier and non rage inducing work.

Exercise 8: The final product of one of the first set of exercises in Adobe Illustrator(in my personal opinion Illustrator is the easiest to use in between Illustrator, Photoshop, and Indesign) I learned a lot of stuff like how to add and change shapes to make them appropriate to the scene and how to color said shapes:
Kinda calming isn't it............well I wanted to punch a hole my screen when doing the later exercises.

Exercise 12: The final exercise in Illustrator and also one of the easier exercises, I didn't have much trouble searching for the tools I use so my nerves were spared.
Exercise 71: A fun little project in InDesign creating a brochure for an animal clinicI learned how to place pictures and wrap text around said pictures, placing columns, and adding new pages.

Exercise 72: The Argentina brochure was kinda fun to make. I learned who to place placeholder text but it was very time consuming replacing said placeholder with the real information belonging to the project.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Started doing photoshop stuff yesterday. It was so annoying I wanted to punch my computer screen. The instruction given to me on the excersice sheets are very confusing and Photoshop is frustrating  with its controls. But being a hardworking student i pushed on and asked for help when i needed it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentines Day Flyer

Made a valentines day flyer yesterday also saw a lot of valentines stuff this proves that everyone is a softie on the inside. Here is the flyer

Friday, February 7, 2014

Demographic Thing

Made a demographic of Texas Cities today in in design so here's a picture of Texas:

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

In design

did some more in design a lot of work but with terrible instructions so i was pretty annoying